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G4F Solent Discussion

Two independent governance reviews have found that The IET Council is not effective. The Governance for the Future (G4F) proposals address this and other areas where we need change, and 63.7% members voting at a previous Special General Meeting (SGM) in September 2015 asked that we continue with these proposals and bring them to a second SGM, which is on 11th February 2016.

The Solent Network Operations Committee shall arrange a local meeting for IET members in January at which we shall debate G4F ahead of the vote in order to elaborate on the G4F situation and encourage positive voting. This discussion thread has been started in order to generate some prior discussion, questions, etc. for to this January meeting, and to encourage attendance in January by members.

Further information on G4E can be found at the following links:

Please discuss by replying below.

Thank you
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Hi Joe, Being relatively new to the IET I am not aware of the history to these dicussions. I would be keen to attend a G4F briefing to try to catch up.

    My observaation is everyone is keen to improve things but it is not clear whether the destination will be better or worse then wher we currently are, I am firm believer in "the Jouney is more important than the detination" because as we journey our view of the destination might change, we just need to be flexible (Agile) in our decision, I see some hardline views on the G4F Forum.

    Regards Sean

  • Thanks Joe - looking forward to the forum on 14th.
  • You can find the blog (including slides and sound-bites) here