1 minute read time.
This guide has been designed for members who have achieved a number of years' experience and are ready to apply for professional registration and complements our previous blog: How To Build A Professional Registration Application In Career Manager” 

1.      All IET members have access to Career Manager, our online professional development planning and recording tool. Simply visit our website www.theiet.org/career-manager and log-in to enable the Access IET Career Manager button.


2.      Select Professional Registration from the Quick Launch Tool on the homepage. Select Apply for CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech now!


3.      Once you have completed all of the mandatory fields on the registration checklist, the IET strongly recommend that you send your application form to a professional registration advisor for review.  With all of the mandatory sections completed you will be able to preview your registration application.  This is what you should send to a PRA for review.


Please note: if the preview is not available, you may need to select section 8. Professional Registration  Advisor. You will initially have to complete the question: Have you spoken to a PRA? with “No” to enable the Preview Professional Registration Application link to appear.


4.      You can locate your local PRA by visiting www.theiet.org/advice.  You can attach your exported application to your message to the PRA.


5.       Once you have received feedback you can then revise your application according to any feedback that they may have given or proceed with your application.  Don’t forget to amend section 8 on the registration checklist with the name of the PRA you spoke to and any comments they may have provided (this is optional) before you lock your application.


If you have any queries regarding Career Manager or working toward professional registration, please do not hesitate to contact us at Profdev@theiet.org