2 minute read time.
This guide has been designed for members who have achieved a number of years' experience and are ready to apply for professional registration.

1.  All IET members have access to Career Manager, our online professional development planning and recording tool. Simply visit our website www.theiet.org/career-manager and log-in to enable the Access IET Career Manager button. 

2.  Select Professional Registration from the Quick Launch Tool on the homepage. Select Apply for CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech now!  

3.  Once you have selected 'Apply for CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTech now!' you will need to 'Select a Registration Category'.  You should select the category that you wish to apply for. 

4.  Most members should select their desired category from the Standard Registration Route. If you have been advised you are on a streamlined route (for example applying under an approved apprentice scheme) you should select the streamline route tab. 

5.  Once you have selected your professional registration category you will have access to the Registration Check List.  This lists all of the mandatory (marked in orange) areas of information you will need to complete.  There are also a number of other areas which you should complete if these are relevant (for example if you have completed a professional development scheme). 

6.  It is important that you read the guidance to ensure that you complete the relevant sections in the right way.  This guidance is linked from the top of the Registration Checklist. 

7.  Once you have completed all elements of the checklist you should upload any Supporting Documents.  The required documents to support a professional registration application will be listed as mandatory. 

8.  Once you have completed all of the mandatory items in the registration checklist and uploaded any supporting documents you will be able to select your Panelling Information and Interview location.  You should choose the relevant Sector and Specialisms to ensure that you application goes to the right assessor group.   An Interview location is required for CEng and IEng applications but EngTech or ICTTech candidates should select Not Applicable. 

9.  When all elements of your application are complete and you have selected your Sector and Interview Location, you can then Lock your application on the Validate / Verify tab. Locking your application takes a snapshot of your information and any changes that you make to your Career Manager records after locking it will not be reflected in this snapshot.  Once your application is locked you can Add Supporters.  

10.  When all elements of your application are completed and this has been validated by your Supporters you will be able to Submit Your Application.  If your supporter's feedback requires you to make changes to your application this will result in you having to unlock your application and Supporter comments will be lost.

Further Guidance on how to use IET Career Manager is available in the Career Manager Quick Guides, book onto one of our online training sessions or read how others achieved professional registration and share your own experiences.