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What do I expect from IET – Community - France & Paris.

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Firstly who are the IET Fr MIET members?

I joined this PEI in 1980 from Grenoble. I was on substantive leave from MoD. I decided to stay for a longer period and got married here. At that time we were the first to come over with the EU agreements of that period.

There were already ex-patriot UK people with huge benefits living here, there were the UK EU adventurers with no objectives but work was abundant, there were the first student exchanges, and some had married into French families. I did not meet any UK people who simply came here to live and work at that time.


Most of us found the difference between the UK and France as difficult as between the UK and China. They just did not live, eat or drink like us.


I was advised by the first UK settlers to just join in and enjoy myself, which I did.

I first met French culture when I organised the “entente cordiale” between the Concorde R&D groups of UK RAE and French ONERA. It was unbelievable, when the opportunity to have a job and career change came, I took up nuclear engineering in France.


I returned to the UK which had drastically changed – Thatcher, strikes, riots. My name  was plagiarised in my work. I had to leave the UK after my employers failed to protect me. I returned to France.

The first time every one talked of the quality of life in France, the second time it was the Iraqi wars and crisis.


So what do you need to work and survive in France now and how can the IET French Community help.

France is huge; it is not realistic to travel from SE or SW France for a meeting in Paris.

Maybe we need a newcomers guide such as most French towns give to new arrivals.

France is still totally different from the UK.

We have different categories of IET members who are at least engineering & technology related.

 -Ex-patriot, UK enterprise sales & marketing staff, Erasmus students, Enterprises from the UK that have delocalised with their staff, those that have married into families, entrepreneurs and SMEs in IT technology and those that now just want to work and live in France etc.

What would you advise
  • Should we have a MIET arrivals’ guide

  • Should we have guides to French language courses

  • Should we have guides to CPD in France

  • Should we give advice on French administration

  • What about the dos and don’ts of French culture.

Or should we just mind our own business and keep it to ourselves?


I recommend reading : Stephen Clarke – 1000 years of annoying the French and other titles and most of his references. French English history is not as taught in schools.
  •  Out of season hotels in France are cheap, maybe one or two visits with IET families or friends to E&T venues could be affordable.

And the French Community AGM & voting should be on line and at distance.

I’m retiring from E&T have fun in France


Give Rob McCann some help


John Gowman MIET (ex ITEME Grenobl 1980)


  • In response to the post by Lynsay Callaghan

    One issue that has not been addressed since John Turton's post is that of communication by the LN team with the membership. John is quite rightly disappointed with the turnout for the Toulouse meeting but, if members are going to attend, they have to be informed and that ain't happening. I think I am signed up to receive notices of meetings in France (as I often work there) but John's post was the first inkling I had of the event. John (Phil)'s post tells me that there are even more meetings which I have never heard about. Same game with the PATW event in Prague. I think I am signed up to receive notice of meetings in CZ (where I live) but I only found out about the meeting informally. I have the feeling that HQ staff don't even recognise this problem and certainly nothing has been done about it for a couple of years or more.


    On another tack, the French IET LN can justly claim to work well with the ICE and the IMechE. (Compare nuighbours if you need convincing). It's about people, their volitions and their energy. For a couple of years or so I was an ex-officio committee member of the French ICE and this helped develop the symbiosis which we enjoy today. Tomorrow I plan to have lunch with the Czech ICE representative although I admit having been at the origin of one of his best events yet (Blanka Tunel).
  • Mike makes a good point:

    ex-officio committee member of the French ICE

    In the Benelux we held joint commitee meetings with the Mechs: the first half hour or so was devoted to institution-specific stuff, then we joined with the Mechs for the meat of the meeting.

    This approach has been strengthened to the point of amalgamation in eg Malta where the whole UK PEI operation is joint.


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Keith Parr‍ There are 30 LNs that have used the system so far this year, although there are more that have access. We also have an internal best performing emails "league" across the whole IET (which will include 100s and 100s of campaigns) - there are six volunteer emails in the top 30 and three featured in the top 10. It's nowhere near all LNs using it, but those that do are having huge success. 

    Yes, that's true of the US office. There was a time when the office provided some support for the regional governance and we had home-based community manager in the US to support the LNs, however all of this is now done from the UK for various (and very good) reasons that I won't go into. "HK office" is perhaps a misnomer - it's an Asia Pacific office that is in HK. They do sales throughout the region, regional LN governance support, have two members of staff to look after the AP LNs and provide regional membership support.

    Michael Wrigley‍ I work for the IET and manage the entire team of community managers, who take responsibility for the LNs around the world and all of the TPNs. I hope that answers your question, although it felt quite loaded to me and perhaps I should be reading something else between the lines....?

    Re: communications. Have you doubled checked your preferences? It is possible that you've unsubscribed and not realised (if I had a £1 for every time that happened, I could probably retire wink). It's also possible that your spam filter is a little on the aggressive side and doesn't like our emails. As an aside, all events get listed online and word-of-mouth continues to be very powerful, so I'd never rely entirely on email.
  • David Houssein Thank you for that insight, David, but I think it only tells half the story.

    We have, or at least we had, around 90 LNs, is that still about right?  So roughly a third of the LN are using Adestra?  How do the others communicate with their members, do we know?

    But my concern and my question were more about the penetration of Adestra within any / all LNs.  What proportion of LN members are "signed up to" / reached by an Adestra mailshot?  And of them, how many members actually read the mails?  Perhaps unfairly, I compare it with MyCommunities where, the last time I looked in 2015 and taking France as an example, there were approximately 300 IET members in France, 80 people were "signed up" for the French MyCommunity group of which 7 were staff.  So the penetration was at best 25% and we don't know (at least at that time I couldn't find out) how many of them have alerts turned on and how many of them actually visit MC as a result.

    I'd like also to understand how you would characterise "huge success"!

    You didn't address my question about the IET European strategy, is there anything you can tell us about it please?


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    To mike Wrigley and other Fr
    Com bloggers


    I was a founder member of
    ITEME from France. I spent a few years on the ITEME committee so I
    know what time is needed. Most committee members were in state
    owned industry or the civil service.

    I find that IET has lost its
    way, is not respecting its non electrical / IT members and not
    respecting non C Eng members.


    If you want something you
    have to work for it. I started engineering at Tech school at 11 and
    have spent 50 years practicing I was invited to a top post in the
    French R&D so I have a right to speak about what is working and
    what is failing in France and in IET.


    The IET French community is
    an IEE out post.

    I have asked communities at
    HQ  to un-subscribe me as I see point in continuing with IET
    France, after being locked out for 33 years.


    My point is that IET has
    lost its way, that UK PEIs have failed the UK Professional
    engineers and that it is becoming a lame duck in the UK and


    So let a new comer like Rob
    get into creating a new circle of information and communication in


    In reply:

    I don't recall ever
    having welcomed you to an IEE or IET meeting, where ever these have
    been across France.

    No no one informed me
    about the French community system until Lisa contacted me and other
    IET French residents.

    Engineering education is
    amongst the best in the world and entry to the Grandes Ecoles is
    much sought after.

    Perhaps some one could
    explain the French Napoleonic system and Prepa to IET French
    resident members.

    Then they would
    understand the Grande Ecole old-boys system that keeps them out of
    the best French jobs.


    As you have been in
    France for so long, presumably you have French nationality.

    No - I am not French, I am
    British. I reside here under the EU agreements before –



    You say you are retired
    and that is why you don't feel able to get

    I believe that the PEIs
    should be run by active members. I am not in a position to spend
    time on money on visits.

    A pitty no one informed
    the Fr members of the last few visits, I could have helped explain
    the history and reasons behind many of the visits as I was a
    leading engineer or consultant to most of the companies


    The Unsubscibe button is
    there if you want to use it but why not put your energy into
    working with Rob, Phil and Co?

    No - No one tells me to



    I have contacted HQ and the
    Paris community for details of the IET community in France, with no


    I was not in a position to
    travel around France and now I am not going to get involved with
    IET except for information on Technology.


    The French Grande Ecoles are
    a select society now being dismantled. Napoleon set up a pretty
    solid institution. My last employer is now creating the biggest
    university – industrial R&d centre in Europe if not the world,
    look at Grande Ecole – Paris see the silent


    I have mentored A&M
    final year students and I took a taught master at "X" Polytechnique
    INP Grenoble so I know what a Grande Ecole is (I did this with a
    HNC before taking a second UK-BA in Science).


    Rob is doing a good job, and
    as you say France is big and transport is all centralised on


    We are not all Highly paid
    Cadres or expats, the majority of engineers in France are not elite
    Grande Ecole ; only Licence and Interim or contract

    These are the power house of
    French Engineering.


    I have resolved some tough
    engineering problems for France - H Bomb, Nuclear etc The G Ecole
    were not able to solve these problems.


    This blog sums up the UK IET
    (IEE) CEng attitude.


    I wanted the silent members
    of the community to get involved, or will they go the same way as
    IEng in the UK.


    If we do not have a Macron
    type reform, I see no use in IET or the French

    Is IET out of touch and out
    of control.


    I get emails now informing
    me that there is a Paris meeting the same evening!! I do not live
    in Paris and now My car is not allowed into the city.


    I do not have to be
    threatened with resigning.


    I challenge IET to put its
    house in order and to get rid of the dead wood.


    I believe the Paris
    committee was in the December ULIP EPR, Paris meeting, I only met
    Rob after the meeting, the Paris crowd kept to themselves as


    I have new objectives now,
    getting ITEME working and all that led to IIE and at last IET was

    Engineering in France was


    Good luck with the Fr


    John Gowman

    Garanti sans virus.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Keith Parr‍ I think it's about 100 LNs. That said, it comes with the caveat that not all LNs are equal in size and ambition. There are a number of countries that have a large land mass, small population, tiny IET membership and low density, which really can limit the effectiveness of emails, and especially if they're received by so few people. I can think of countries that fit that description but still manage to run good local networks through using social media, university notice boards and personal networks / word of mouth. Aside from all of that, there will be other socio-economic factors to consider such as access to the Internet or even a reliable electricity supply in some countries. With that context mind mind, it's probably not useful for all LNs to use Adestra, but more would certainly be a positive.

    Those not using Adestra still get emails sent out by staff. The important thing to remember is that email is just one channel and there's a number of ways of communicating with members. I honestly don't know (although I can see the reports exist in our database, I've never really needed to look at them in detail) what proportion of members are signed up to receive email communications, but I wouldn't necessarily agree that it's a useful figure to have. If members have unsubscribed and genuinely have no interest in engaging beyond maintaining their membership, then I think it's probably a good thing that they don't get a load of email that they'll never read. I believe open rates are normally around 20-30%, which is quite normal. The volunteer emails tend to exceed the average, which is why I describe them as a success. If members are more likely to open and read a more personal email from "Joe Bloggs from IET Exampleland", then I think that's a positive and something to celebrated.

    I wouldn't look too much into the comparison with MyCommunity or any IET online platform. Although profiles on this platform are linked to the central membership database and we have single sign-on, the members of a group are an entirely different data set to those who we can email via Adestra.

    On Europe, the LN strategy is written and owned by the EMEA-CC. CCs (communities committees) have the autonomy to prioritise opportunities and decisions are made by members. I'm not up to date on their strategy for Europe, so that's probably a question for them. They're just going into a new session and with a new Chair (based in Switzerland), so the direction for the next few years might be up for debate. I'm sure the sales teams have their own strategy for Europe, but I imagine that's commercially sensitive and it's not something that I'm familiar with.
  • Just jumping in to add some info to this discussion thread.

    Keith Parr‍  following on from David Houssein‍, we are using the same single sign on for Engineering Communities (we haven't called it MyCommunity for a while now wink ) as the main IET website, and your membership data from our CRM system is now brought over to the online community when you log in. This user data also includes which Local Network you 'belong' to as set by your address details when you sign up online. After we intergrated the membership data with Engineering Communities (in January 2016) anyone logging in to the community after that date will automatically be added to the relevant Local Network's online community group. 

    Many of our LN's have created and sent emails to the members in their area (either via using Adestra themselves or asking their Staff contact for assistance) to encourage them to log into Engineering Communities and therefore join their Local Network's online community.

    John Dunbar‍  On the subject of notifications from the IET France online community, the Community Admins for this group have access to the group's admin panel and within it can select and set the default notifications for new group members. However, group members have the ability to turn these on or off as they wish in the group's settings menu. They can also choose to receive alerts as part of a daily or weekly digest instead. I've taken a look at the current settings for this group and all notifications (apart from the 'new group member' alert) are activated so all new group members will be receiving these alerts unless they have chosen to opt out themselves.

    Hope that helps?


  • Response to David Houssein

    The reason that I asked about your connection with the French LN was that the post clearly did not reflect the reality experienced by IET Members in France. There was the possibility that I had met you at a LN meeting so I left the door open. That you work for the IET explains things.

    Our reality is far from what people in HQ would like to imagine. Yes, I have checked my mail options. Yes, I have checked my Spam tray. I have been sent screen shots to "PROVE" that I have received mails. Erreur! They may have been sent but I didn't receive them. (Refer back to line above) Preferring to believe your screen rather than a Member's point of view is pardonable but just once.

    No David, it would be better to try and understand reality and not the virtual sort. There are hundreds of IET Members in France who are not signed up to the Community. Why not? There are hundreds of IET Members in France and elsewhere that are not being informed of meetings or other news. Why not?

    The IET has double standards in terms of communications with Members. On the one hand I receive mails from E&T News several times a week and I happen to like that but, on the other, it can't get its act together to inform Members about local events. We used to do this locally and, frankly, I can't understand the logic in the IET's interpretation of a UK law which is being applied in France

    Please take the time to think outside the box and get to the bottom of this communications problem.
  • David Houssein I certainly take your point about "horses for courses" when it comes to communicating with members (and non-members), although I would have thought that some of the factors you mention (large land mass, small population, tiny IET membership and low density) would imact the functioning of the LN rather than perhaps the effectiveness of email.

    When you say "Those not using Adestra still get emails sent out by staff", that means that staff run Adestra on behalf of the LN doesn't it?  So the participation rate in Adestra is still relevant?

    "don't know [...] what proportion of members are signed up to receive email communications"

    I find that a bit worrying, it says to me we are using a tool without knowing its effectiveness.  Surely it's not enough to say "I sent it via Adestra" thinking that one is addressing "the membership" when in fact one is addressing some (unknown?) part of the membership.  [Mike's post only serves to underline the importance of really understanding what is (not) happening.]

    Of course you are quite right that it is better for members who no longer want contact are able to unsubscribe, although it might bring into question what we offer such members ...  And I accept that it is not necessarily meaningful to compare Engineering Communities with Adestra, but in the absence of other data ...

    Your comment about IET Strategy in Europe is interesting and welcome, although I assume it will be within the framework of the IET International Strategy from Hilary Lambert - or is that only for the commercial activities?  I look forward to seeing the results of their deliberations - although their web page is less than informative <smile>.  Who is the incoming Chair?

    Lisa Miles  Ooops, sorry, Engineering Communites ...

    While I can see the advantages of automatically signing people up when they visit EC, I can't help but wonder how we can square that with our strict interpretation of the DPA.  But if it gets the numbers up ...

    Michael Wrigley asks a couple of "why nots".  I suggest that the second one is the "real" problem, why are the French LN messages not getting through to the members who want them?  The other why not, why are there few French LN members signed up to the French community, is easier to understand.  People need to have a good reason to sign up to, and get involved in, any on-line community.  There are so many to choose from (LinkedIn, facebook, ...) that anyone, and especially perhaps a busy professional engineer, needs to get some value from their investment of time and effort.  If the French LN Community was a buzzing hive of activity with lots of value then people would come, but it isn't.  That's not a criticism of the French LN or its committee, it's simply a fact of life, a recognition that other communities offer more value.  If one wants to join a community then one is likely to choose an active one, probably on a platform where one is already a member, which creates positive feedback; one is likely to ignore less active ones, which creates negative feedback.


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    I had a complaint about one of your blogs, this time I agree with you.

    I have made a blog on the engineering community’s site.

    It was about what do you expect from your PEI-IET.

    You are making the same question here.


    Since IEE an IIE have amalgamated in 2006, I feel that ordinary members and those not Electrical C Eng are being ignored and pushed to leave IET, I Eng and BSc PEs are not being recruited.

    The UK Engineering 2016 report by Prof EFF has some damaging observations – 3 million UK engineering professionals not ECUK registered at any level, only 9% women in the profession. 

    *IEng & BSc virtually non existant. 

    As I have said, I have come across many UK, EU residents who are PEs working in France & Europe, I have never met a CEng not even in IET France none were PEI members of any grade or metier.


    The UK has taken a Neo-liberalist, out of date route and IET is a band leader in this domain.

    This means that there is :

    ·         a hegemony of CEng (electrical & IT) who have taken over the IET.

    ·         Globalisation which means setting up Communities in far reaching areas not for UK citizens working abroad but for commercial reasons recruiting non UK persons.

    ·         Commodification of that which has no value, we encourage foreign PEs to be proficient in English, get them qualified with UK qualifications and then register them as CEng or IEng with ECUK (who do not agree with this procedure)

    ·         The foreign members of IET then have one upmanship on their fellow compatriots to work in international firms.


    The Board and IET employees are working on this ideal at the expense of UK members, UK PEs not CEng are being left on the sideline.

    I asked the question on these ideals, on my blog, there have been very strong replies.


    You are right; IET does not give two hoots to EU UK MIETs and certainly to those not CEng or electrical.

    *IET has 167000 members and a staff of 500+. IET has killed off the non CEng members.

    *IET has lost its way and has nothing to do with engineering and technology since IIE and IEE joined together.

    *IET has created a monster that will take over IET for UK nationals. We in Europe are not even taken into account.


    Perhaps you could explain to IET the 1901 law in France and the Delit de Merchandise. I think our IET President could have a very long stay in France;  firstly at the Hotel de Police and then in a dingy prison with those other misled idealists –ISIS. For they use the same psychology to brain wash people into believing that which has no purpose.


    You cannot run a UK PEI branch in France because of the Napoleonic laws. You can own a private association but the UK has nothing to do with it – beware!


    You were right, I am disheartened by what I see in IET. Rob has one hell of a job to get something interesting and practical working in France.

    We should call for a revision of communities and make a 5S of the IET Staff that get free trips and good salaries for making a pig’s ear of what was a good PEI.


    Running an IET branch in France or Europe is difficult, time consuming and participating is also time taking and very costly  (unless the company pays ).

    I started life in IET – ITEME in 1980, at ILL-RHF, this is the only R&D centre that is European and making a good profit. It is in Grenoble which is France's second R&D conglomerate, it is where Houille Blanche was created and is the leading zone in (Fr silicon valley) IT robotics and even produces the first hydrogen car.

    There were IET members there, but you cannot contact them because of IT security laws, the same that prevented me from contacting any IET members in France

     – HQ and communities will not be of much help, they have to make money in far off countries.


    Who cares about IET members in Europe?


    John Gowman,


    ingénieur chercheur MIET