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The Weekend Quiz. 06-July 2019.

What do these clues/events/people have in common?

1. It's not for adults it's for the Children.

2. Ultimate tram ride.

3. W.C's last appearance.

4. It's not today's world.

5. 7/7.


  • Alasdair Anderson:

    This is slightly embarrassing...

    A second event around that date has just occurred to me!

    Right now I can't decide which one it is.

    Doubtless someone will know without the internet.

    I think I will opt for the British event.

    So, my guess is...… indicated here.

    As ebee has closed the competition, for those who didn't spot my answer, look at my response and read downwards the first letter of each line.....


  • Yes it was the first screening of Dr Who, it was the day after JFK fateful day in Dallas.

    Prof Hawking, a few years back, held a party for time travellers and he put an ad in the press the day after the party.

    No one turned up so he wondered if this might signify that time travel is not possible.