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The Weekend Quiz. 06-July 2019.

What do these clues/events/people have in common?

1. It's not for adults it's for the Children.

2. Ultimate tram ride.

3. W.C's last appearance.

4. It's not today's world.

5. 7/7.


  • This is slightly embarrassing...

    A second event around that date has just occurred to me!

    Right now I can't decide which one it is.

    Doubtless someone will know without the internet.

    I think I will opt for the British event.

    So, my guess is...… indicated here.
  • Just as an additional clue the 63 refers to the year 1963 and nothing else
  • ebee, have you spotted what my guess is?
  • Not sure Alasdair.

    Would you like to private message me?

  • Interesting, I'd always misremembered that two events happened on that day, but no: the point was that the US event I'm thinking of happened on 22nd but was still dominating the UK news when the UK event I'm thinking of happened (or, more precisely, started) at 5:15 on the 23rd.

    Unlike the two events which happened on September 22nd 1955 which definitely happened on the same day - in fact one of which happened because of the other (it has now been admitted after many years of denial).



  • ebee,

    Looks like Andy has it as well. I never have much luck with PM on the forum - it alwatys seems to say the person needs to be a contact. However if you take a look at my earlier post and think laterally (or more precisely top to bottom) you may spot my guess.

  • I think you`ve both got it.

    Just to help it ties in with a party that was planned by dear old Prof Stephen Hawkin and the way he posted the invite
  • Andy,

    I have been trying to work out your two connected events - was one of them the death of Grace? If so then I have it, but only thanks to the internet.

  • I think I got enough correct guesses to enable the "who is best at cricket" draw to take place now.

    PS I didn`t know the 22 sept 55 one until I did a bit of googling
  • Hi Alasdair,

    Yes it was! Killed off to divert attention from the launch of ITV (for those who have no idea what we're talking about, that's not nearly as sinister as it sounds). On that occasion the BBC won in the publicity stakes, unlike (through unfortunate timing) on 23/11/63.

    I didn't know about Stephen Hawking's party, that's rather fun.

