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I have recently finished rereading George Orwell’s 1984 (actually the compendium of all his novels) and was struck by the similarity to the AGW movement(s). 

The basis of 1984  is that the Elite (Inner Party) want absolute and permanent power. If the life of the masses (Prols) is too easy they are hard to control so they are kept in a state of semi poverty by a continuous war which uses up the free resources.

The importance of the war is supported by the Propaganda Machine (Ministry of Truth) that continuously changes history to match the requirements of the Inner Party and to suppress free thought. Those who have any free thought or who challenge the system are taken away by the Thought Police. The need for and support of the war are driven by daily two minute hate sessions and by longer hate weeks. The organisation is run by the Outer Party who get certain limited privileges but are constantly monitored and brainwashed by their ‘Telescreens’.

Looking at today people are already mostly voluntarily locked to their ‘Telescreens’ (Smartphones, Tablets, TVs, etc.) and get most of their information from the Media, especially social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Very few people ever look at what is behind this information and are ripe for being told that Climate Change, AGW, etc. is our war. Rather than just two minute hate sessions we are bombarded with calls to war, most stuff on the BBC science section, David Attenborough’s Climate Change: the Facts, Hottest Day Evaahh, reported Increases in natural disasters, Corbyn’s Climate Emergency, etc. Extinction Rebellion bought the Hate Week around the world. 

The Elite will keep doing just what they want to, buying beach villas, flying round in private jets, living in mansions whilst trying to create energy poverty for the masses to keep them under control. The dash for renewables has significantly increased energy costs wherever it has been implemented, UK, Germany, Australia, etc. The money all goes those who already have money and can afford to pay up front for solar panels, wind turbines, EVs, etc. and get the various government subsidies. The ‘Prols’ just get higher bills.

How many people just believe the Ministry of Truth? How many actually look and see the number of papers and articles that have to be withdrawn or corrected? Dissent is suppressed as far as possible with cries of ‘Denier’ and personal abuse. Scientists are threatened with loss of funding or sacking (the Peter Ridd case in Australia is a ray of hope).

Does anyone else see it like this? Before I am completely flamed I fully support the reduction in the use of our finite resources, reduction of pollution and reduction of our impact on the planet. I don’t think that targeting CO2 is the correct way to achieve these goals.

Best regards


  • Roger Bryant:

    .... most people just believe without doing any checking.


    This is just so true! I can even point to an article put on the BBC website today,, where it states [Acute kidney injury] accounts for around 100,000 deaths every year in the UK. If this is true then that equates to about 1 in seven deaths in the UK and would make it the most common cause of death, but it is not on any list of the most common causes of death that I have seen.

  • To confirm my original view Ms Thunberg et al now admit that its more about politics than the environment:

    "After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities."

    Big Sister is watching you!

    Best regards


  • The tobacco industry had that down to a fine art.  The sugar industry is doing a good job of it too.  But the asbestos industry left it too late for it to work.

    There was some talk that corn oil could be responsible for the world's obestity, fast food outlets and all that. However, all types and levels of consumption can be dangerouis to health.  I would consider the positive aspecs of the use of asbestos in the building industry. We now know and have the resources to utilize it safely, but can we be trusted to do it and then maintain it? No of course not.

    That action must be powerful and wide-ranging. After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities.

    The liklihood of being consumed by dodgy politicing is probably more dangerous than a dodgy diet......

  • Having read 1984 I  find it hard to differentiate political correctness and truthspeak. The words and ideas that may be used to express dissent or questioning of "the truth" are prohibited under both regimes.

    When it comes to politics the following quote appears to sum up in my experience of most of the politicians I have come across irrespective of political views:

    "The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. . . . Power is not a means; it is an end . . . not power over things, but over men. . . . In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. . . . There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother". I note the increasing number of people who seem to fly into an uncontrollable rage at every opportunity and I don't believe they are all on steroids.

    On asbestos: In the late 60's as a green behind the years youngster I was working with the foreman on a boiler (about 10 tons in weight heated by steam). The foreman nodded in the direction of two laggers who were lagging the steam pipes and he said "neither of them will see 40". I asked what he meant and he explained the asbestos they were working with would kill them and you never see a lagger over 40. It was the mid 90s before legislation was introduced to start limiting the use of asbestos. So I disagree that the asbestos industry was bad at extending the use of asbestos. Will the fibreglass stuffing in nearly every loft be subject to the same fate?

    On global warming: I keep on hearing it's the hottest, wettest, driest, coldest, etc since records began. Most records began in the late 1800 early 1900s so just over 100 years and ignore any previous anomalies. I am am old enough to remember the forecast in the 70s that we would now be living in an ice age. I noticed that the claim that this decade has been the hottest since records began has a graph showing temperatures since 1850. I am not denying climate change but would like to hear a bit more honest reporting on it without me having to go digging but most of the contrarians seem to have have been silenced. Which takes us back to 1984 and truthspeak..
  • Media manipulation is indeed the modern way, but you don't need a book to tell you that we are abusing our little planet. I don't really buy into the carbon obsession or warming theory, but there is an unquestionable and unhealthy human infestation. Growth is our god, but any engineer knows that in a confined system growth cannot be eternal.
  • I now see that the thread on no Climate Change Emergency has been locked. Perhaps the Cambridge University report was the truth that XR don't want to hear.

    From another forum the Assistant Editor of E&Ts Twitter view on his rambling article attacking the GWPF.

    stewgreen permalink
    February 8, 2020 12:19 pm

    There is many a truth revealed by a slip of the tongue

    The IET article is a “piece of work”

    .. Who said that ?

    Its author

    This piece was a piece of work! In our latest investigation, we analysed one of Britain's leading #climatechange sceptics groups. In 4,000 words, readers will (hopefully) grasp a clear sense of the people who run it & the techniques they use.

    — BenHeubl (@benheubl) January 28, 2020


    Is this journalism or control?

    Best regards


  • I go to a Church with a very educated congregation, which makes some things rather difficult. A Professor in a science subject was asked by me his view on some of the climate science. He said that his colleagues told him it was all correct and the world would end due to CO2.  Another member, an architect, will not even talk to me anymore (Christian?) because he knows I am somewhat skeptical of much of the science and have spent a lot of hours in the last 4 years studying it! He has a go faster Tesla super-car, so that's all right then! Many of the congregation follow the "Green" agenda fairly avidly, recycling everything, up cycling, collecting 10g of green waste and traveling miles by car to a special dump and so on. When in conversation it becomes immediately obvious that these very well educated people know almost nothing of the science. Simple concepts such as infra-red spectroscopy, or atomic structure are so alien that they say "too difficult" immediately and don't even want an explanation, often because the BBC or David Attenborough says there is "a crisis" and so it must be true. This is equally true unfortunately true of Archbishop Welby, who is busy divesting the Church of any investments not considered "Green enough", because the end of the World is coming. I have tried to argue Genesis Ch 1 with many of these people, and it becomes clear that they don't believe in an omnipotent God either! Very curious.

    Getting back to 1984, we  see the Ministry of Truth running the BBC and many printed papers, bookshops being unwilling to stock skeptical books against the (put whatever you want here, PC, Government, school curriculum etc.), in fact nearly all the mainstream media. Anyone suggesting that this is not right, particularly online, suffers abuse and name calling of a class I have never seen before. In other words people are trying to control other peoples thoughts, fortunately they haven't taken to giving out free drugs (Soma I think in the book) to stop any useful thoughts at all. As Lisa says, it is a religion with very strong controlling features, more like radical Islam then Christianity, even from the Church leaders. How is this happening, because it is a source of significant worry to me that life under 1984 conditions would be entirely intolerable to me, as it was to Smith. We already see history being changed to suit the agenda, particularly temperature records, but that is the thing I have noticed. What else is there that I haven't noticed yet?
  • Sadly, C. Eng Dave, I am not surprised by the behaviour of your fellow Church goers. It is clear that many UK citizens are feeling that their lifestyles are constantly and increasingly 'under threat'. Doubtless this anxiety has already been experienced all round the globe and there is much in our daily news feeds to upset and unsettle us as we attempt to 'keep up' with everything. Unfortunately, many people seem to adopt a binary approach to the world choosing, for their own reasons, to aggressively support either one or other side of any movement or campaign. It would appear that only a small percentage are open minded enough to invite the 'self appointed experts' or protagonists to 'show me the evidence' not just a transient correlation between data sets (often gathered in 'man made' heat islands) and recent global events such as floods, tsunamis, plagues of locusts, dust storm weather bombs and bush fires.

    I wholeheartedly support your comment regarding the excellence of such modelling systems as 'P Spice' and associated CAD MAT systems (as used, for example, in the computer aided design and development of complex electronic or mechanical systems) and the apparent absence of any such equivalent modelling applications to demonstrate any degree of accuracy in the prediction of our daily weather forecasts for more than say 16 days (as offered by the 'metcheck' and similar USA hosted web sites) let alone being able to predict how much reduction in global CO2 is necessary to reverse current day weather extremes all around the globe. 

    It would seem that Governments of the day are all too willing to listen to powerful corporate lobby groups and to then placate them in an almost 'knee jerk reaction' by drafting legislation that satisfies thinly veiled corporate agendas. Invariably, these far reaching legislative proposals, such as banning the sale of all fossil fuelled motor vehicles by 2035, do not provide any real benefit to our career development or to our individual family lives. E.G. I fail to see how society in general has come to so happily regard the universal adoption of 'energy inefficient' battery powered electric cars as being either a sensible or practical solution to our problems, when the fundamental reasons for abandoning the concept, back in the 1900s, along with steam powered cars, have not materially changed, e.g. even Li-ion batteries are still very heavy and have very poor energy density and poor driving range when compared to modern petrol powered internal combustion engines.

    Surely, it would be better for Governments to legislate for a dramatic and systematic reduction in our love and use of cars (by say 50% to cover all those who are currently travelling many miles per day just to work at a computer terminal) and to make use of modern broad band telecommunications systems as an 'oven ready alternative' by the creation of local 'tele-commuting' workplace hubs to carry 'most of the traffic' instead of our increasingly congested and potholed road networks.