1 minute read time.
The IET Tribology Network committee met on Tuesday 15th March in the IET headquarters at Savoy Place, London. It was our first meeting at this venue for a few years due to the refurbishment project. We took the chance to work off the generous lunch with a tour of the building kindly led by our Community Manager, Rob Allen. The consensus was clear: we were all very impressed with the renovated facility. The building seemed to be heavily in use, with a number of events running and capacity for more, and it looks likely to generate a good revenue stream to support the activities of the institution. We took the opportunity to inspect the view from the roof terrace and line up for a photo.



From left to right:

Dr Saurav Goel (Queens University Belfast), Dr Rich Baker (PCS Instruments), Dr Nathalie Renevier (University of Central Lancashire), Mr Mike Sheehan (Premiertask), Mr Geoff Kermode (chair, MacTaggart Scott), Prof. John Colligon (Huddersfield University), Mr Rob Allen (Community Manager, IET)


Other committee members who could not make it along to this meeting: Dr Kevin Cooke (Miba/Teer Coatings), Dr Daniele Dini (Imperial College), Dr Andrew Gant (NPL), Dr Martin Stolz (University of Southampton).

The committee has developed well in recent years and we continue to "punch above our weight" in terms of our delivery of events and initiatives. We aim to develop new initiatives for 2016-17. The committee would welcome new colleagues, particularly from industry. We seek representation from the lubricants, gears and machinery sectors in particular. The workload is not onerous and the rewards are clear. If you would like to find out out more, please contact: tribology@theiet.org