1 minute read time.
9e363178a1625ed96c69fc0521d201f7-huge-catherine_easton.jpgWe are very happy to announce that Dr Catherine Easton, Senior Lecturer in Law at Lancaster University, will be the second speaker at our upcoming Robot Ethics event on 23rd February.

Dr Easton's research interests relate to the interaction of law and technology with a focus on robotics, artificial intelligence, data protection and Internet governance.  She is Chair of the British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA) and general editor of the European Journal of Current Legal Issues.

At our Robot Ethics event Dr Easton will discuss how robotics is currently used in numerous aspects of healthcare provision, from robot-assisted surgery to "Carebots" dealing with daily health needs.  Her talk will also focus on the legal and ethical issues related to the use of robotic systems for medical purposes.  It will address issues such as safety, liability and data protection, with a strong emphasis on the development of end user trust.  Wider ethical issues will be analysed, such as potential patient attachment to rehabilitative robotics, and the impact of artificially intelligent systems.  The aim will be to analyse how law and policy can support the development of a healthcare environment that utilises robotic technology within an ethical, human-centred framework.   


Make sure you register for our Robot Ethics event
 to hear Dr Easton's talk in full. We hope to see you there!