2 minute read time.
I am honoured to serve the Robotics and Mechatronics TNP as the Chairman in 2014.

This is an exciting time for robotics in particular and for mechatronics in general. This is represented by the establishment of Public-Private Partnership in Robotics by European Commission and  organisations representing European industry and European research in 2012 to provide more funding to boost the research, innovation and applications of robotics in Europe. It is expected to received €700M in funding from the Commission for 2014 – 2020 and €2100 million from   European industry to form the largest civilian-funded robotics innovation programme in the world. The UK government has also identify the Robotics and Autonomous Systems as one of the eight great technologies. Robotics has been around for over 20 years and many industrial robots have played a critical role in many industry application sectors. It became to see them used in a growing number of applications.


This TPN has been established and organised a number of events such as TAROS, lectures and so on in the past. With so many new opportunities, we look forward to developing new events, seminars, workshops, reach out activities and many other joint events across the country.


Like any network, we need members’ support to make it a  truly professional and active network.   We constantly look for support and volunteers to consider getting involved in our activities or joining the network executive committee.   If you feel that you can contribute to this important network, please contact our CRM, Joanne Longton on jlongton@theiet.org


We’d love to hear about events and activities you’d like to see us support or organise.  Please contact us with any feedback via this community - you can comment on this post.  


I’m really looking forward to my tenure as the Chairman of R&M TPN and I hope to meet many of you over the coming months and years. If you wish to contact me directly, my contact details are:


Prof.  Xiu-Tian YAN, BEng, PhD, CEng, FIMechE, FIET,FHEA

Professor of Mechatronic Systems Technology


Space Mechatronic Systems Technology Laboratory (SMeSTech)

Strathclyde Space Institute

Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management

James Weir Building

University of Strathclyde

75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ

Email: x.yan@strath.ac.uk ;


Tel: 44 (0) 141 548 2852