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36a53eacd3498c007504716c3fc3e341-huge-image-of-peter-sheppard-at-railway-quiz.jpgRailway professionals came together recently in London at the Railway Network Young Professionals Group Quiz Night. 

The event was held at Doggetts Coat and Badge pub in Southwark, London, where else would it be with views like that over the Thames?  Several teams took part in the quiz with Peter Sheppard once more acting as Quiz Master, this year in a smart uniform kindly supplied by

Great Western Railway.

6f5dfa1a3556c40603a3dbd86631a6c2-huge-ricardo-rail-logo.pngAfter a competitive few rounds there was a break for a buffet which was sponsored by Ricardo Rail before the teams knuckled down to the final rounds of the quiz. The eventual winners with the unforgettable name were ‘The Arsonists’ who have committed to return next year to defend the title.


The YP Group  would like to thank Ricardo Rail and Great Western Railway for their support. A big vote of thanks must also go to Peter Sheppard for taking on the challenging role of Quiz Master and preparing all those fiendish questions. 

Plus we can’t forget Matt Bagshawe for hosting the event, Clive Kessel and John Glover for acting as ‘Brains on Sticks’ and also all the teams that supported the event once again.