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Our next speaker highlight for the 5th Future of Medicine - The Role of Doctors in 2029 is Christian Moroy from Edge Health.

45696ee3c02d0a3eb51c4d142cf2ca3d-huge-christian-moroy-edge-health.jpgAfter finishing advanced degrees in Economics in Canada (McGill University) and the UK (LSE) Christian worked as an economist for NERA Economic Consulting in Berlin and London where he specialised in technical healthcare advisory and delivered both change management and data-driven projects that delivered cost savings and operational improvements to several NHS trusts. He then co-founded Edge health, the first company developing and deploying AI based decision-support software for back-office efficiency into NHS trusts. The products Edge deploys have measurably improved use of theatre utilisation, reliability of bed planning and delivered documented cost savings to hospitals. Most proud about Space Finder a cloud based intelligent theatre booking software which helped trusts save >£4m in last year alone. 

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Christian Moroy is co-founder & CTO of Edge Health. Edge health is a London based company using AI to improve operational efficiency of NHS trusts. Edge has worked with over 20 trusts in the last year alone and successfully deployed AI tools on the ground that help e.g. more efficiently allocate beds or better schedule theatre lists. Prior to Edge Christian worked as economist and healthcare consultant focused on technical healthcare advisory.