1 minute read time.
Enjoy face-to-face events and seminars where you can interact, gather information and network. Attending these events makes it easier to express our views, emotions as well as exchange ideas by using our voice, body language. There is just some kind of energy that makes things more exciting. As we tend to spend a lot of time on our phones, in front of a computer, TV etc., it might be worth doing something outside of our comfort zone to fully appreciate the value of a real-time experience.
However, as it is not always possible to attend a face-to-face event, many of them are streamed live online so you don’t even have to leave your home to participate. It is a very convenient, quite often cost-effective and less time-consuming way of ‘’attending’’ and you can also go back to an online version and review the content.
What factors make you go that extra mile to be physically present during an event?

What makes you remember/process more information? Is it the fact that quite often you can go back to an online version of a lecture and review the content? Or is it about being there and fully participating in a certain event? For example - by enjoying the experience and by discussing new information with colleagues and other people?

Depending on your location there are different events and seminars that you can attend. You can visit our website to find out more.