2 minute read time.
1.  All IET members have access to Career Manager, our online professional development planning and recording tool. Simply visit our website www.theiet.org/career-manager and log-in to enable the Access IET Career Manager button.

2. Select the CPD menu from the Quick Launch Tool on the homepage. Select Record my CPD Activities to record work experience, volunteering, events and seminars and self-study activities. Training courses and Academic study are recorded in your personal profile as part of your CV information, but can also be accessed from the CPD Quick Launch menu and will show in your CPD Activity Reports. 

3. To record your CPD activities, first create a folder to categorise your activities e.g. CPD Activities 2013.


4. Add your activities, filling in the required fields. 

5. Add a reflection statement for each activity. This is important to record the knowledge you have gained and the skills you have developed from your CPD activities. Consider these points:

- What did you learn?

- What went well?

- What could have been done differently?

- Did it meet your needs?

- How has it impacted the way you work?

- Are there any follow-up actions? 

6. To access your CPD Activity Reports, select the CPD menu from the Quick Launch Tool on the homepage and then select CPD Activity Report.


7. Create your CPD Activity Report – you can create either a high level report or a more detailed report which includes all your activity descriptions and reflection statements. Simply select the dates you want to report on and the type of report you want to create (Activity Report or Detailed Activity Report) and export to either MS Word or PDF. 

8. Use your CPD Activity Reports for your own records and to demonstrate your CPD to your employer, colleagues and clients. This information can help you to prepare for your appraisals, a Professional Registration, Membership or Fellowship application or a job interview. If you have joined the IET’s new CPD Monitoring Scheme this report will also help demonstrate your compliance with the IET’s CPD requirements. Further details about the monitoring scheme can be found on our website http://www.theiet.org/membership/career/cpd/policy/.

Further Guidance on how to use IET Career Manager is available in the Career Manager Quick Guides or book onto one of our online training sessions to find out more.
  • The Career Manager development team worked closely with Registration and Standards staff to ensure that the Career Manager generated application provides the information required for their assessment. Some information may appear in a slightly different order but all mandatory information is included.

    The accountability diagram is submitted along with other supporting documents (such as verified certificates) at the time of submission and will submit your current accountability diagram as part of the infomration available to the assessment team.
  • Kathryn, thanks for that. Another question. I have printed the application form that is generated by CM and compared it to the blank template in the February 2013 application pack. The structure and layout of the two versions is quite different. While I appreciate the convenience of the automatically generated form, I am concerned that the automatic form could be misinterpreted as indicating incompetence on my part. For example, the footer page numbering is given as "1 Page" etc, there is a complete blank page at the end, and basic information is moved from the front page to the last. Furthermore the accountability diagram that I had to upload in order to download the form is not included in the form! Are these things important to the people who will read and assess the form? Am I doing something wrong?
  • Training counts as one of the elements that can make up your wider CPD; it is listed separately as we understand that some members will also want to use this for CV purposes.

    Courses can be recorded under the training section and will appear on any CPD Activity Reports you may want to use for CPD purposes and you can continue to record these in the training section. The CPD section covers other CPD activities which will likely fall into one of the following categories:
    Work Experience, Volunteering, Event Attendance or Self-Study (such as reading a book).

    Your examples of IET lectures would logically fall under, and be entered under, this new CPD event/seminar type and in future need no longer be entered under Training. Whether you re-enter old event attendances under the new type is a personal choice as the old event record will still appear in any subsequent CPD Activity Report.
  • 1. What is the difference between CPD and training?
    2. I entered my relevant activities (mostly IET lectures organised or attended) in the old version of CM and they are all listed under "Training". Should I now re-enter them under CPD? Or is CPD reserved for more private activities - reading a book is mentioned as example?