1 minute read time.
Please keep the date free for a technical visit to Stuttgart's new main station on 23rd. September 2017.

The Stuttgart 21 project, consisting of a new high-speed rail link between Stuttgart and Ulm and a brand new main station in Stuttgart, is one of the largest, most expensive and controversial building projects in Germany. It has already been the subject of a state referendum and will undoubtedly cost far more than originally planned.

However, leaving politics aside, the major engineering challenges presented by moving the new main station underground and building new rail tunnels under the busy state capital of Baden-Württemberg are of interest to engineers from all technical areas.

The IET Germany network has organised a group tour of the building site and the logistic centre on Saturday the 23rd of September 2017 starting at 10 AM.

Please join us for a fascinating insight into this massive engineering project. Make a note in your calendar now!

IET Events link: 

A full programme will be available later.

Registration starts on April 1st. 2017. The registration link is : https://localevents.theiet.org/0a6cd5


Howard Gray
Germany Network