1 minute read time.
As I listened to a recent IET Webinar relative to this topic delivered by our Chairman David Perton it struck me that this topic is not often covered routinely in our forums or events.  As I continued to listen several questions naturally arose some of which I list below:

- What is Quality within the Project Space?

- What are the cultural considerations that exist when seeking to drive a quality focus?

- What Quality Tools are available for use?

- What types of data exist and does this govern how Quality tools are used?

- What are the distinctions between Compliance, Governance, Assurance, and Quality Control?

As a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Quality Professional I feel that I am able to offer some guidance on these issues.  Going forward I will offer a monthly vignette of some of these issues through 2021 which will offer a quick reference point to some of these issues and hopefully prompt discussion.  First issue will be in January and then monthly throughout 2021.  If the idea achieves traction then let's see how we as a community can use the Blog as a resource.

If I do not post again before Christmas I wish all a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2021