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Below is a Thank You note received from the group of students from Ryerson Formula Racing.

" Hello Jenny,

We have been busy all year preparing for our competitions, FSAE Michigan and FSAE North. Now that these competitions are complete and we are entering our summer testing phase, we would like to reach out and thank you for your support in completing RF-19. Without your help, we would not have been able to produce a car worth naming it our 25th-anniversary vehicle.

Thank you for your generous donation. IET helped us push our boundaries this year and attend a second competition. Formula North really tested our car and taught us a lot about both the static and dynamic events. Thank you for your involvement with Ryerson Formula Racing and we look forward to working with you in the future!

We competed in 2 competitions this year, FSAE Michigan and FSAE Formula North. Both competitions were a success. We placed 28th out of 111 teams in Michigan and 11th overall in Formula North. Competition was a great learning experience and we plan to apply our new knowledge to the design of our next car, RF-20.

We are excited for a new year of designing, building, and competing. Currently, we are entering our design phase and working on transferring knowledge to new members. This year, we will be building our vehicle with four goals in mind; reliability, drivability, manufacturability, and sustainability.

Once again, on behalf of Ryerson Formula Racing, Thank You!


Erica Attard

Business Lead" 

About SAE International Collegiate Design.