1 minute read time.
The Cambridge Science Festival has been cancelledFor info, here's an update from the organisation team:


Cambridge Science Festival has decided with great reluctance to cancel all of its scheduled programme. We came to this extremely difficult decision after thinking long and hard about the welfare of our visitors and our staff. Their health and safety must come above all else and we do not want inadvertently to expose them to the risk of coronavirus.


We realise the cancellation will be a disappoint to our thousands of loyal supporters but we feel it is the right decision in the circumstances.


The Festival team will take all steps to cancel all events and make contact with ticket holders and venues. We will now begin to advertise all events on our website and social media as cancelled, regardless of whether or not you were planning to carry on with your events, even if in a modified form. If you are taking your own bookings, you will need to get in touch with attendees to let them know of the cancellation.


We’d like to thank you for your patience and support whilst we have been working through a very difficult situation for all.


Please do contact us directly if you have any questions about this.

Very best wishes,

The Science Festival Team