1 minute read time.
This is a question full of engineering, medical, and social issues all intertwined. Teachers find it easier to teach the facts and figures in science and math than to explore the debate that comes with it.

Josh Doyle from Gallomanor Communiciations Ltd is preparing a Space Debate Kit, the 11th in their series of kits, which will provide everything teachers need to get their students discussing the issues behind sending humans to Mars.  Previous kits can be found here: http://debate.imascientist.org.uk/.

The kit will follow a tried and tested format, based on character cards and lesson notes. It will include 8 debate cards outlining the opinions of different fictional characters with an interest in human space flight, and teacher notes to help carry the lesson effectively. The debate will help students think through the issues and reconsider their opinions, while they learn how to build a discussion and back up their opinions with facts.

This kit is being funded by a consortium of organisations (including the IET, IMechE, UK Space Agency, the Physiological Society and Virgin Galactica) reflecting the diverse skills and issues that space flight involves.”

Josh is now looking for contributors to help develop the character viewpoints, issues, questions, and confirm their research.  If you’re interested in getting involved in the development of the Kit, please respond to Josh asap but preferably by week commencing 18 January.