Less than one minute read time.
Establishing Regulation/Guidelines for Prospective Customers:

Linking Renewable Energy Systems to Power Utilities-Power Grids.

IET Workshop I to [WREC 17]:  17th World Renewable Energy Congress.


1.       Renewable Energy Law

2.       Renewable Energy Supporting Bylaws

a.       Bylaw 10 – exemptions

b.       Bylaw 73 – Energy Efficiency

c.       Bylaw 49 – Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund

d.       Bylaw 50- Direct Proposals

3.       Strategic Plans that are implementing Renewable Energy

4.       Regulatory Entities Requirements to implement renewable energy projects; Greater Amman Municipality, Ministry of Environments

5.       Instructions of the Engineers Association for Renewable Energy Projects

6.       Types of Renewable Energy and show case of existing projects

7.       Testing and Commissioning Requirements according to IEC62446-2016

4-8 December 2016

Crowne Plaza,  Manama

Kingdom of Bahrain