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University of Adelaide Students at IET BBQ event

The IET always makes an effort early in the calendar year to introduce itself to students in all faculties at the University of Adelaide, where we have a particularly active group of Young Professionals. The IET Young Professionals in SA, capably managed by James Mitchell and well supported by GPA Engineering's Ben Macey, ran a free BBQ for around 300 students and staff on the Maths lawns on Monday 20th March 2017 from 12 midday to 2pm. Thanks go to our young Chefs, Bailey Sadedin (1st Year Flexible Entry Engineering), Conor Noonan (1st Year Mechatronics and Double Degree Computer Science), Aaron Lim (1st Year Mechanical Engineering) and Jordan McDonald (1st Year Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering).

The IET would love to hold similar functions at the University of SA and Flinders University as well. Any students or staff that would like to volunteer their services and get involved in the IET YPS group are most welcome. Please contact John Noonan, Secretary of the IET if you wish to get involved.

(Written by John Noonan, Secretary of SA/NT Network)