1 minute read time.
The joint IET Vision and Imaging Network and Knowledge Transfer Network event Intelligent Imaging is soon to take place on the 14 October 2016 at IET London: Savoy Place.

We are excited to announce that our eighth speaker for the day is:

Andrew Schofield, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham.

About Andrew:

Andrew Schofield has a BEng in Electronics, a PhD in Neuroscience and a PG-Diploma in Psychology. He is a multidisciplinary thinker whose work crosses the boundaries between Psychology and Computer Science. After receiving his PhD Andrew completed a Research Fellowship in Computer Vision and Neural Networks at Brunel University and then worked for a year in the Civil Service as an Image Processing expert before returning to academia as a Research Fellow in Psychology at Birmingham in 1996. He became a Lecturer in 1999 and Senior Lecturer in 2016. Andrew is a past chair of the Applied Vision Association and a member of the British Machine Vision Association. He is currently chair of the EPSRC Network for Visual Image Interpretation in Humans and Machines.


Andrew's presentation will be discussing "A Vision for General Purpose Computer Vision".

Places are filling fast! Join Andrew plus more and register for the event at: http://www.theiet.org/intelligent-imaging 


Other speaker highlights:
Alexandru Drimbarean
Paul Jerram
Alex Knight
Robert Lamb
Owen Nicholson
Ken Primrose
Miguel Rodrigues
Jared Tanner
Prejaas Tewarie