1 minute read time.
The IET would like to bring to your attention that from time to time issues arise within the research community which spark widespread debate and, sometimes, disagreement.

The question of “iris ageing” - specifically, the effect of the passage of time on the recognition of individuals based on the analysis of their iris characteristics is an issue which has been generating considerable debate in recent months.

Two key papers in this area have been published from authors who have rather different views on topic.     

One of these contributions is "A critical examination of the IREX VI results" which argues that improvements in the methodology used in the NIST report would lead to uncovering of an ageing trend leading to a decrease in recognition rate over time. 

The second paper (written by Grother and Matey, two authors of the original NIST report)  is “IREX VI: mixed-effects longitudinal models for iris ageing”, which  argues that “changes in recognition rates observed in the operational data are the result of lack of control of ambient conditions during …. collection and do not represent changes in the underlying iris pattern.” Find out more>

We are pleased to inform you that “IREX VI: mixed-effects longitudinal models for iris ageing” is already listed as a free to view article but the well sought after: "A critical examination of the IREX VI results" has been made FREE to view until 29th February.

To access this article for FREE, all you need to do is;

Visit the IET Digital Library and log in to your account. If you do not have an account, you will need to register on the website (that's free too!) 

Once logged in, click on 'My account' 

Under the Subscriptions and Orders section, select 'Redeem my token' 

Input the code IRIS into the box and click 'Claim' 

You will now be able to access the paper for free until 29th February 2016.