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Women: Like men, only cheaper

Hurray! It’s equal pay day! The day when men and women are finally paid the same… Oh, wait – no, it doesn’t mean that at all. Equal Pay Day actually refers to the day of the year when women stop earning, compared to men.

The current pay gap between men and women in the UK is 13.9%, which means that this year, Equal Pay day falls on November 10th. This is an improvement on last year (November 9th), but is progress being made quickly enough? There are 51 days left of the year – if we only improve one day a year, most people reading this are more likely to see retirement before they see wage parity!

Women are increasingly well educated, so why isn’t this translating into higher pay? In the UK, the aggregate (full and part time) gender pay gap for graduates ten years after graduation is 23% [1] Why do you think this is?

The gender pay gap also varies by occupation and ranges from 3.9% for sales (a decrease) and customer service, to 25.1% (an increase) for skilled trade occupations in April 2015 [2] (such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters, welders, technicians, engineers etc. - you know, those jobs we are trying to get more women into...).

Why, when the 1970 Equal Pay Act has been around for nearly 50 years is there still such discrepancy?

The Government is bringing in mandatory pay transparency rules, which mean that all companies with more than 250 employees will be required to disclose how much they are paying in salaries and bonuses to their male and female staff. There is a further plan for a league table to be produced which will rank the worst offenders. This league table is scheduled for 2018. Come on, Businesses! You’ve got 2 years to sort out these gaps before you are named and shamed!

In the meantime, if you are being paid less than a man and wish to dispute it, you are able to bring your employer to a tribunal – if, that is, you have £1,200 for the upfront fees (brought in by the 2013 Coalition government). Unfortunately, the introduction of upfront fees is likely to deter women from seeking justice over gender wage imbalances, as (being lower paid) they are less likely to have the money to afford the case! [3]

And spare a thought for those in other countries – the worst gender gaps around the world last year were found in South Korea (where women earn 36.6% less than men), Estonia and Japan (26.6%), Israel (21.8%), and the Netherlands (20.5%). The narrowest gap was found in New Zealand, where women earned 5.6% less than men. This was followed by Belgium (5.9%), Luxembourg (6.5%), Denmark (6.8%) and Norway (7%). [4]

Should we talk to our colleagues about how much we/they earn? Many people are taught that it is perhaps impolite to discuss money, but perhaps the not-knowing is compounding the problem? Has anyone here discussed salaries with their colleagues, and if so, did you find that there was a gap? How did you approach the subject?

Aside from mandatory wage lists, are there any other policies or conversations that could be had to reduce and (hopefully) eliminate the pay differences?

Previous UK Equal pay days:
  • 2016:  10th November

  • 2015: 9th November

  • 2014: 4th November

  • 2013: 7th November

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  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Where is Sir William Golding when we need him?
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    As a Polish born woman spending a big number of years in Poland , although leaving now permantly in England , I had never have much esteem for Polish MEP, Janusz Korwin-Mikke.

    Unfortunately he shows now his attitide to women on the european forum . Very sad that it is  very much in line with the present government in Poland .

    He seems to be quite proud of taking about women with very little respect .

    I have to finish before I become "not very kind" to him . I had opportunity to meet him personally and he is very proud of his proper view about women .



  • Amber Thomas:

    Polish MEP, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, explains to the European Parliament why women "must" earn less money than men. In his words, it is because women are “weaker", "smaller" and "less intelligent”.

    When I first saw this, I thought that it must be a joke - he had to be being sarcastic, right? Sadly, no. This is what an MEP thinks of half of the population. What a world we live in!

    Read more at: ​


    Poor deluded chap.

    He obviously has never heard of Maria Salomea Skłodowska, better known as Marie Curie - physicist and chemist. 

    It has been my priviledge to have interacted with many polish women, all highly intelligent - academically, socially and morally.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    It's not surprising that a man who thinks democracy is the "stupidest form of government ever conceived" (despite being an MEP) and has fathered three illegitimate children (despite claiming strong, conservative family values) has such a despicable attitude towards women (and other groups of non-white men).

    You've also got to laugh at the irony of claiming that women’s attitudes are influenced by the men they sleep with because semen “penetrates the tissue” whilst pointing out the lack of "highly rated" (whatever that's supposed to mean) women physicists in Poland. If there are no women in the top 800, you've got to wonder where he'd rank in the list with his interpretation of how the human body works frown

    Politicians with ridiculous views, however, is not a new thing. What concerns me more is that people have voted for him. One idiot alone is bad enough, but an idiot with supporters...? Wow.
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    Useful background material. Your observations are a little bolder than the typical comments on EC, although a can align with them very well.  The other, even more unsettling thought is that although this indidual may be an extreme example, some of his views, albeit in a milder form, are held by other influential people, including politicians and executives.

    There are also cultures and belief systems that appear to assign different values to male vs female contributions and roles in society. These views appear, in many cases, to be entrenched in these cultures and difficult to change.

    Just a few thoughts.


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Fair point Edwin. I wouldn't normally introduce additional politics into my comments, however the striking levels of hypocrisy really jumped out at me and helped me contextualise his comments on the value of women. I think many politicians who hold extreme views (ok, extreme to me and the culture that I live and work in - his views on women might well be considered moderate to others) get away with far more because they can bury their agendas inside moderate (to me!) views on other topics.

    I don't know enough about Polish culture to understand exactly how his views are generally perceived in Poland, but I think with the world getting small and smaller (or maybe not with Brexit!) he is likely to attract attention from people across the world who might not care very much that his views are (if they are) entrenched in his culture.
  • Janusz Korwin-Mikke defends his comments on Good Morning Britain (breakfast tv show) on International Women's Day. 

    "I never said that women should earn less, I'm only explaining to this idiot feminist because they say "Oh women are earning less - why?" so I'm explaining why. If you are weaker, you must earn less."

    Piers Morgan: How can you say that women are less intelligent than men when you yourself sound so unbelievably stupid?

    Janusz Korwin-Mikke: I don't understand you.

    Read more at:
  • Couldn't watch the whole clip, too painful to watch/listen to Janusz Korwin-Mikke pouring illogical arguments/defences. Good to see him in the clip trying to defend his indefensible comment/argument.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    If you talked with him personally your impression about him would be even worse . Before he came to prominence in the present Polish government he appeared a little "excenric" but his idea

    about the women was slightly "screened" .

    He was a candidate to the Polish parliament but he lost . He unfortunately become MEP and has a wider forum to expand his awful "wisdom" .

    I met him visiting my friends in Poland when he was in the opposition and he was equally impossible to tolerate . I have the personal satisfaction to tell him what I think about his opinion about

    women . He seems to find his place by supporting the present government .



  • Grazyna Whapshott‍  Hope you don't let him get to you. The sort of mindset he displayed and seemed to enjoy is unfathomable in the 21st century. Unfortunately as two people have already said/implied, his views are shared by people one would expect to know differently, and that is a problem we all need to find a solution for...