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Is electricity not just a packet of low frequency magnetic light energy?


Physicists know that particles cannot move at the speed of light, but domestic AC electricity does.


Knowing that AC electrical power is essentially low frequency directional photon light; and if we consider that at the heart of each photon is a magnon, [which consists of a spinning area of magnetic magnoflux inertia in the x,y direction], then we can envisage that the magnon’s flux/amp spinning stuff can be attracted forward by an electric voltage at right-angles in the z direction to form a volume [packet] of wave energy.  But note, we need to give these magnons of inertia energy space to move in; because if we restrict the space by a phase angle we will get quantum virtual imaginary volt/amps VA just re-discovered by cosmologists and called phantom energy, rather than real power.

Power = Volts x Amps x Cos ϴ.




So how does an induction motor work if we have this new 3D model of electro-magnetism


The magnoflux spin effect will also have a huge significance if the universe is magnetised and polarised as can be seen in this blog

  • Thanks Mike,

    The problem is that Transverse Electro-Magnetic TEM models are not clear on which of the x,y or z directions the 90 degree forward force is.

    For example if current moves in the x direction is the voltage at right angles in the y or z direction??

    Magnoflux hypothesises that voltage is in z direction and further notices that the magnetic flux is in the y direction.  So we have a 3 dimensional volume of spinning inertia power or energy.


  • Good Morning,
    • The low frequency range refers to the lower end of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum and includes the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) ranges ranging from 3 Hz to 30 Hz, and the Super Low Frequency (SLF) ranging from 30 Hz to 300 Hz.

    • In this range of frequencies, the electric field and the magnetic field behave more independently, so it is common to refer to exposures to an electric field and exposures to a magnetic field separately (rather than exposures to electromagnetic radiation).

    • The main exposures in the field of low frequencies are to the fields created near the electricity grid, in the electricity infrastructure in buildings and near electrical and electronic devices.

    • Additional exposures in this frequency range are from electric public transportation and electric vehicles, exposures in employment, medical equipment and more.

    Electric and magnetic fields in the low frequency range

    Electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electric and magnetic fields (electromagnetic fields) generated by charges and electric currents. At low frequencies, and in particular at mains frequencies, the two fields (electric and magnetic) behave more independently, and are treated separately.

    The electric field depends on the magnitude of the electric voltage. It is smaller near low (domestic) power lines and for household electrical equipment, and is larger near high, upper and over power lines.

    The magnetic field depends on the magnitude of the electric current. It is larger near places where large currents pass - such as electrical panels (cabinets) and main power lines, and near electrical appliances that are larger "consumers" of electricity. The magnetic field is also larger as the number of coils (bindings) of the wires through which the current passes increases, so there are high magnetic fields near devices with electric motors and transformers - hair dryers, electric shavers, heat spreaders, fans and more.