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Is there a deficit of engineering principle as a result of the UK skills gap?

I'm extremely proud to finally be able to share this with everyone, the publication is linked in the below article, alternatively this can be found on my profile. PLEASE take some time to have a read, feedback is appreciated.

#apprentice #apprenticeships #engineering #graduateengineer #skills #author #skillsgap #ukmanufacturing #diversity


  • Harry H:

    I don't think I've solved many problems with my response; maybe it's not possible to solve these issues?

    If we don't try to solve them, or don't even accept that the issues exist, then it definitely isn't possible.

    But if we try to solve them we might not succeed, but then again we might!

    The small things I try to do are:

    • Support anyone who shows an interest in professional registration, and try to break down the myths surrounding around it.

    • Try (but rarely succeed) to encourage more mid-career senior engineers and engineering managers I work with to volunteer for professional registration assessment roles. (If they're very busy people then they're probably the people we need! And I'm well aware I'm not one to talk, having always avoided volunteering as an PR assessor on the grounds that "I'm too busy".)

    • Vote in IET council elections. There's always a wide range of candidates, and we get the institution we vote for.



  • If we don't try to solve them, or don't even accept that the issues exist, then it definitely isn't possible.

    But if we try to solve them we might not succeed, but then again we might!

    The small things I try to do are:

    • Support anyone who shows an interest in professional registration, and try to break down the myths surrounding around it.

    • Try (but rarely succeed) to encourage more mid-career senior engineers and engineering managers I work with to volunteer for professional registration assessment roles. (If they're very busy people then they're probably the people we need! And I'm well aware I'm not one to talk, having always avoided volunteering as an PR assessor on the grounds that "I'm too busy".)

    • Vote in IET council elections. There's always a wide range of candidates, and we get the institution we vote for.

    I totally agree, Andy. I'm an advocate for all of the above points.