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Genetic Memories: Can the memories of your ancestors be imprinted in your DNA?

Even though I already have a ton of hobbies to fill my time during the COVID 19 lockdown, I’ve recently taken up yet another new pastime and have been researching my family tree. This has thrown up a few spooky coincidences as well as a few surprises along the way…

I’ve always considered myself to be a London girl. I was born in London and moved to North Hertfordshire during my childhood. But London has always been in my blood and it’s the one place in the world where I feel ‘home’. 

Although my childhood was spent mainly around North London, I’ve always had a fondness for Greenwich and for many years now, whenever I’m asked where I would live in London (if I could afford to that is) then I’ve always said Greenwich although I’ve never been entirely sure why.  I love Greenwich Market, the park, the maritime museum and the view of London from the top of hill next to the Royal Observatory. I’ve always had an interest in the Prime Meridian and stargazing too so I guess it's where quite a few of my interests get wrapped up all in one place.

So imagine my surprise when I discovered that my great-grandmother was born in Greenwich and that my great-great grandparents owned a shop there in Trafalgar Road! Spooky eh? 

It does make me wonder if there is such a thing as 'Genetic Memory' where memories can be passed down through the generations via our DNA. Could this be the reason for that ‘déjà vu’ feeling we get sometimes when we go somewhere we’ve never actually been before or why we feel a particular affinity to a place or a time period?

Is it scientifically possible that our experiences are, over time, somehow imprinted into our genetic makeup which can then be passed down through subsequent generations?
  • ?Right....those pixies.....?.

    Remember that you are denoucing 3 of the 5 major world faiths, although Budism and Hinduism may also make reference to genetics , we won't worry about some of the more obscure beliefs....

    IMO the study and manipulation of the human DNA might be regarded as a higher form of mechanics. It is undoubtidly useful when detecting and adjusting mutant genes, but this is, IMO, the technicians view and does not provide the complete solution.

    I also think that for many people the saying 'ignorance is bliss' but then that's something else.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Only 3 ? - I was actually denouncing the bloody lot of them ?


  • Spooky coincidence no2... Finally managed to trace my paternal grandmother and discovered that her father was a car mechanic and driver in the Royal Artillery..

    Guess who is a car enthusiast, loves driving and sometimes wishes she'd been a Rally driver??? ?
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Spooky coincidence 3 - so do I Lisa, but I'm pretty sure I'm not descended from your great grandad.My grandad used to run around with a big pointy thing on the end of a bang stick, and the only thing he ever drove was a gantry crane in an iron foundry after losing a leg in a bit of unpleasantness in France. My father disliked driving, and mother never learned to drive.

    Note to self: Enquire with Mutti about any, ahem, dalliance, with motoring types

    I think it's human nature to try and make connections and find a sense of place when in fact there are no connections or any memory of place that's delivered genetically

    Right, time to fire up the Quattro and play a bit of dark German Techno on the Harmon Kardon, whilst throwing a few Hannu Mikkola sliding turns ?

    Yours, ethereally 


  • OMS:

    Right, time to fire up the Quattro and play a bit of dark German Techno on the Harmon Kardon, whilst throwing a few Hannu Mikkola sliding turns ?


    ? Funny you should say that OMS...  I drive a Audi TT Quattro and yes indeed I was playing German Techno in the car on the way to the office this morning...

    No sliding turns though... ?

  • It is very difficult to differentiate between pure coincidence and actual influence (which is why these studies have to look at large numbers of cases). We moved to Surrey and our daughter went to a school which on the site had a "Town Hall", a purpose built structure put up in around 1750 to maintain the village's right to have an MP as a rotten borough (actually two MPs but only two voters) which we had to explain to our children. Researching my wife's family history a few years later we found that her G-G-G-G-Grandfather was an MP for a rotten borough in the 1790's, in fact the very rotten borough where our daughter was at school. I am convinced this is coincidence and nothing to do with genetic memory.
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    I dunno, doesn't everyone think that Greenwich is lovely? Now, if you were mysteriously drawn to Dagenham that would be weird :)
  • ? "sliding turns " !

    That's drifting! and spending your evenings doing doughnuts complete waste of time, might as well take up miniture golf.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Lisa Miles:

    Right, time to fire up the Quattro and play a bit of dark German Techno on the Harmon Kardon, whilst throwing a few Hannu Mikkola sliding turns ?


    ? Funny you should say that OMS...  I drive a Audi TT Quattro and yes indeed I was playing German Techno in the car on the way to the office this morning...

    No sliding turns though... ?

    Please tell me it's the Old Skool 3.2 V6 ?


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Legh Richardson:

    ? "sliding turns " !

    That's drifting! and spending your evenings doing doughnuts complete waste of time, might as well take up miniture golf.


    Drifting is for the local rude boys in souped up Corsa's with bald tyres and more bass than power in B&Q's car park - when you are running on Haldex 4WD you need a bit more velocity and space to get into the power slides, but it can be done.

    As for golf (of any variety) - well that's just a good walk wasted 

