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How to be an evil engineer

My daughter just sent me this...I wish I lived nearer Cardiff so I could pick up some useful tips smiley


  • OK Andy, I’ll try and raise the tone with this vector. Good fortune last year found me needing to spend a night in Ystradgynlais (“Why strangle Alice” to some jokers) and after dutifully consuming several pints of the aforementioned delicious Ale. What I was seeing  became evocative of Puget Sound and the Brecon Beacons evocative of the Olympic Mountains. Mulling over ‘oppression, endurance, the weight of labour’ soon got me to sleep.

  • That picture makes me think of the Cardiff docks when I was there (1979-82). I've been revisiting Cardiff a few times recently (partly because of my daughter now being a research student there) and of course the old docks area has changed out of all recognition. I really regret now that I didn't take more photos there back in my uni days. (I did take lots of photos of pubs for the 1982 UWIST Student Union Handbook!)