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Santon immersion heater controller.


The plumber said he had connected the replacement immersion heater when I called by to see how the job was going. 

I decided it was best to replace this with a SFCU as the immersion is connected to a socket ring circuit and only a backup for if there's a problem with the gas boiler. 

Interestingly I put the RCD tester on the immersion terminals to trip the RCD on the consumer unit to try it before disconnecting the original wiring and this controlled blocked the RCD.

  • I have never seen one of those before. It does though look like a solidly made item.

  • That's "of an era" - given the RCD blinding, I wonder is it doing the High/Med/Low with some sort of diode/thryristor arrangement that  gives a large DC offset ?.

    Otherwise I might have expected a tank to be fitted with  hi/low elements or two thermostats. Can you see what is inside?
  • I didn’t stop to mess about looking inside it, in fact I disconnected it but didn’t remove it, leaving it in place as an ornament.

    It did look impressive with its neon lamp illuminated, it is Newport the home of Santon, so maybe even something that someone brought home from work.

    Some architect or designer would probably like to put this in a bar or restaurant as part of the decoration.

    I tried tripping the RCD three times though the controller and it definitely blinded the MK RCD in the recently installed dual RCD consumer unit.