2 minute read time.
"Quality of coverage" will be the defining moment for 5G explained Professor Raed Abd-Alhameed during the 'How the 5G technology will enhance our future life?' IET West Yorkshire Local Network Webinar.

This 5G webinar was not to be missed, all the speakers are currently not only researching 5G developments, but at the same time, defining how 5G services (and beyond) are going to be deployed for everyday use. The speakers are specialist researchers from the H2020 Project “Secure Network Coding for Reduced Energy Next Generation Mobile Small Cells” from University of Bradford and their own respective researching affiliations.

The webinar demonstrated how niche collaboration in the field of 5G technology and beyond is now at the point where it is possible to create information resources for multi-disciplinary and intersectoral society-based consumption. In short, the more aware consumers and civic authorities are about the possibilities (of 6G), the better society can benefit from their ground breaking research.

'The drive for sustainable (green) telecom networks will be better realised by 6G due to its ability to provide zero latency based digital transactions' explained Professor Mohammad Patwary, Professor Telecommunications - University of Wolverhampton. Which echoed Dr Georgios P. Koudouridis a Researcher from Huawei (Sweden) who described 'Channel state is everything' - it's the state of the telecommunication link that affords the entire platform to provide scalable efficiencies as described by all the speakers.

As the technology progresses for us to interact with smaller wavelengths, the dependency infrastructure must change to. So, does that mean we will need to reinstall the cell-tower masts and antennae all the time ? or we now able to deliver the entire ecosystem in a brand-new way, with less costs and more benefits to users and a greener society ? To answer these questions, each researcher spoke about how their simulations tested their different specialist devices and infrastructure theories so that, we as consumers can get ready for a truly connected society (with consent).

An interest point was that the UK is the first country to allocate the 3.8 - 4.2 GHz shared spectrum range on a per license basis and how in this lies the opportunity for value-based innovation, as exemplified by the research performed by Dr Berna Özbek Assoc. Prof.Dr. - Izmir Institute of Technology (Turkey) which demonstrates what is involved in providing quality based coverage for telecom based networks.

This webinar set the pace for what we can expect in the coming years with 6G technology - though we all will need to upskill into 5G first however.