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Most modern day cyber roles are globalised. However, if you function in a Tier 2 division and try to globalise its processes then you are likely to fail. Similarly, localising those Tier 2 cyber roles will also introduce a ceiling.

Instead, it is recommended to ‘enterprise’ the processes of a Tier 2 function. This introduces accountability, ownership without the need to intentionally introduce compromise. For example, you might be an out of towner and not able to grasp the regional enterprise required within a role so try to accommodate that by introducing selective note taking during one to ones or disregarding meeting minutes as the feedback reflects real-time actualities instead of matching any incorrect perceptions being held. As you are an out of towner you only work in the location and not really live - therefore it is only natural your perceptions will be wrong or likely the reason you administered interviews that were non committal . Similarly this was seen in the recent elections, where popular votes of perception deferred from the real time actualities - this shows the limitations of Big Data or any statistical analysis where the likes of FaceBook are reviewing how fake stories are created within the facebook social platform.

With cyber security functions now becoming common place offerings, the more enterprising the security environment is, the swifter you are likely to see return on technology investments. With the right preperation, enterprising the environment will likely complement CISO activities making those audits projects completed before they have even started !

This approach will actually lend itself to fields outside of Cyber Security, for example, the 5G Spectrum that is delivered through satelite technology is a complex multiplexed communication channel which if 'enterprised' will yeild stronger results for service providers, consumers and actual manufacturs as there will be more of a focused development approach.