2 minute read time.
1.Expensive and Laborious – A common two word association before security/cyber audits.

2.Cyber Ready – A common two word association after a compromise.

 It is likely reading Cyber Ready evoked a sense of confidence, stability and a calm alertness (just like the hit you’re meant to get after drinking matcha green tea  ... apparently).

To be Cyber Ready you need to know what responses will be required to protect your core network. SIEM solutions have immensely clarified how data will be normalised and correlated to create a matcha-like alert across different components of your network

Without a SIEM solution you are dependant on your Security Roadmap spread sheet – you know.. the one that has your organisational RAID logged against it for each product deployed – so you know what compensatory controls ( manual spreadsheets ) are in place because each enterprise tool you have deployed is chugging away with the default configuration – expensive and laborious.

So when you have a compromise, you open the default portal, it does not identify the threat chewing away at your core, but you know something triggered the application-threshold alerts but your solution doesn’t tell you enough to know what kill chain you need to target. With out specific requirements on what you need to protect and why, the cyber budget is better spent by your Networks Team buying bolt on modules. At least then you know why you will have the kit installed.

Buying cyber solutions because they are in the news is Expensive and Laborious . Deploying cyber solutions to mitigate potential compromises against your core aggravation points is likely to make you cyber ready straight out the box i.e you will know what kill chains you are likely to focus on.

There are increases in the reporting of cyber compromises in the news, it does not seem to stop. Every quarter there are regional, national or global reports that a compromise has taken place. They all have different attack vectors and of well-known brands whose cyber budget was likely to have been expensive and laborious – which of the 2 words now resonate better with you ? Being Cyber Ready is killing the default-deployment chain.

If you dont know what kill commands you need to use on what processes its likely you have an expensive and laborious deployment and perhaps you are not Cyber Ready. So if you fail that company phishing test they periodically send out...well.. you are likely to go through the expensive laborious internal cyber awareness course ( The company's way of executing the kill chain repsonse ).