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Sending a message is now done in a split second, the faster in-tune a business to the market place the quicker they can take the lead – spearhead even, typically known as first mover advantage.

Consumers can also build their life around this fast information transfer, though are limited by the constraints of equipment and technologies. The ability for cable companies to provide fibre level internet speeds to homes sets the consumers expectations to be very high, when these are phased into the corporate world, we find that the license costs and technology setup costs are too high to have the latest and greatest. Sure, pure internet based companies pride themselves on this platform, for example Hutchinson Three has always focused on an IP based network thus their offers to consumers will remain attractive.

Whilst other service provides are still purchasing Satelilites and figuring out how to transfer customer base from 4G to 5G, companies that are positioning themselves to provide faster rate technologies to their large consumer base are likely to be best positioned to provide innovation on an ecosystem level – some companies whilst owning the infrastructure have already bought consumers through mergers and acquisitions.

This game changing platform shift to Satellites technology _as_ the backbone means new protocols will be used, old ones will be phased or updated and entire new features and devices will be overhauled and introduced to make streaming data content in all its forms an attractive proposition for all. My last blog spoke of the SPDY protocol and similar new ones can be expected to be seen.

New technologies require new governance methods, the UK government have created ‘drone – blockers’ that can jam a drone mid flight until its battery runs out. Similarly, satellite technology and its foundation components like multiplexers, low pass filters and algorithms used will too require hardening down to ensure that equipment can be used correctly.

Whilst augmented reality provides a fascinating way to deliver content, changing backbone platforms will need to adapt to the new dynamics required to deliver the content making carrier grade networks an excellent place for technology innovation.