2 minute read time.
Did you know that the IET has four active Local Networks in Canada? Look out for the next issue of Member News (August 2016) that has updates on the activities of the Ottawa, Toronto, Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers (CPGCE) and the Western Canadian Group of Chartered Engineers (WCGCE) Networks.Did you know that the IET has four active Local Networks in Canada? Look out for the next issue of Member News (August 2016) that has updates on the activities of the Ottawa, Toronto, Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers (CPGCE) and the Western Canadian Group of Chartered Engineers (WCGCE) Networks.

And if you live in Canada and can't wait to read the next issue then take a look at their online communities:

IET Ottawa Network

A group that promotes science, engineering, technology and personal improvement. We encourage people to enter the profession and provide opportunities to share and develop knowledge and attend networking events.

IET Toronto Network

This Network covers IET activities in the Southern and Western areas of Ontario and has approximately 500 members.  The first Canadian Branch of the IEE (now the IET) was inaugurated by the late Dr John Thompson, FIEE, and the late Mr. Harry Copping, FIEE, in Toronto in the early 1950s.

Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers (CPGCE)

The Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers (CPGCE) is a multi-disciplinary group of members of the UK Engineering Institutions: ICE, IET, IMechE and IStructE, who reside in Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories.  As a learned organisation the primary objectives of CPGCE is to provide a local channel for institutions to members, provide networking opportunities for members and with other professional engineering groups, hold regular technical presentations on topics of interdisciplinary engineering and of interest to society at large, promote the value of an engineering career to youth, support engineering professionalism and its value to society and retain and attract new institution members.

Western Canadian Group of Chartered Engineers (WCGCE)

Chartered Engineers Pacific (CEP) / Western Canada Group of Chartered Engineers (WCGCE) serves members of Institution ICE, IMechE, IET, IStructE, CIBSE located in British Columbia, Yukon, Washington State and Alaska. The Group exists to extend the Institutions' services to members locally, and to assist local professional engineers, EITs and technologists with aspirations to register professionally in Europe.